Le francais estropié, l'anglais manchot ...

Il etait une fois ma Conversation a 17h46 entre une amie et moi:

Moi: Je n'ai pas envie de défaire mes cheveux snif! A Abidjan j'aurai pu partir au salon ce sont les filles qui défont.

Elle: hiéééé toi aussi deh 
Moi: Comment ça moi aussi?
Elle : Comment defont, On dit défassent.
Moi : Hmmm meme si on dit !!! Comment defassent, defassent c'est subjonctif non?
(Moi meme j'ai comencé a douter mtn , ca ne sonnait plus bien dans mes oreilles) 
Elle : Oui c'est vraii hin, Mais defont la aussi est bizzare hin , le verbe " faire" ... " défaire"...
Moi : Bon on va chercher sur google ( btw internet nous a gaté) 
Moi : Ou bien Les filles défaisent! ( aaaayaaa c'est gaté) 
Moi: hié !! 
Moi : Noooon? 
Moi : Hmmmmmm
Moi : Ils faisent? 
Moi: Tchié ca la meme c'est pire.
Moi ( regardant google) : Aaaaaah C'est çaa ! C'est defont

Elle : Loool Français est dur deh ... 
Moi : Walaye bon ce sont les fille qui unbraid

Le francais estropié, l'anglais manchot ..C'est ainsi que j'ai ajouter le franglais a mon profil 
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Dream with God / My first Cover

Ok Well , how can I start?

        Almost One Year Ago , My pictures have been stolen by Ivorian newspapers. Disappointed , hurt or dishonored I don't know how to explain my feelings at that moment... I Jumped in a fight against  "Goliath" without actual plan, but I had support of my family and friends  and the Ivorian WebSphere to who I want to say a big big thank you for believing and supporting me... ( but this is not the point today)

   Then,Things got worse in my life ( so maaaany problems I can't even talk about ) I went through different phases after that such as doubt, anger, sadness Also,I was particularly afraid to show my pictures my work... In addition, with this oversea trip, my artistic production has been so reduced . I was feeling to waste my time in those academic classrooms... But as one of my dear fellow said :" One thing that an Artist can't lose it 's time "

" One thing that an Artist can't lose is time. " 

Time is granted by God. We have to use it efficiently. How many times did we get upset because we did not have things with wanted ? How many times did we cry for losing something, material things ? How many times did we stop believing because life seemed hard and our reality did not follows our expectations or the speed we have imagined ? So many times , I guess...

Time is granted by God. Don't use the 24 hours,that God give us everyday, to focus on negative thoughts. There are a lot of areas in a human life. When It is hard in one area  don't let it stop you and affect your whole life, concentrate in the several other areas : Dare to Dream !

Dream ! and don't stop believing.

Dream of better days , of better you , of better situations and look for means to achieve them. Be positive no matter what. Be positive and leave your burdens in God's hands.

As I said above, I spent almost a year without real artistic productions whereas I used to do photo shoots every weeks. But a couple days ago, I made the cover of my School's Official Newspaper ( Quel comble je dirai haha!!! ) with my pictures of a dance show in our theater  Furthermore, the editor chief just told me that those pictures are leading to my school's newspapers to win a prize at the end of the year....That can seem little, but mean a lot for me and THAT is the most important.
All the time spent to complain and be disappointed was not worthy, but trust in myself, get up and look for means to achieve my dreams lead to this reward, this gift...

Here is my first cover ( legally lol) :

Interior view - Hahaha they misspelled my name but it's ok :) 
I framed it :p

Thank you again for all the support. God Bless U.

And one more things I hope my words will be inspirational for you ...  Don't stop believing 

Carlalie ;)